Cardiovascular Wellness Program

Holistic Heart Health Wellness Program

Are you looking for an effective and holistic method to address heart disease? Dr. Jacob Panka's Cardiovascular Wellness Program can empower you to naturally reverse heart disease and enhance your overall well-being.

This program is grounded in scientific research and personalized to tackle the underlying causes of heart disease, reducing the need for invasive procedures and heavy reliance on medications. We unlock your body's natural healing capabilities with naturopathic medicine and encourage sustainable lifestyle changes that promote a healthy heart.

Investigate Your Heart-Health Blueprint with In-Depth Lab Analysis

Dive deeper into your health with our in-depth lab analysis. Our evaluation integrates with your current care and provides a more comprehensive view of your health status. By establishing key baseline values with ongoing monitoring, we ensure your treatment is always informed and precise.

Naturally Balance Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Attain your health goals through natural means. We personalize your care with the best nutrients, lifestyle recommendations, dietary supplements, and botanical medicines. Our individualized approach ensures optimal treatment response for your blood pressure and cholesterol goals.

Create a Heart-Healthy Future: Protect Against Cardiovascular Risks

Embrace lasting changes to significantly reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. Our program identifies hidden risk factors for heart disease, enables a proactive approach to enhancing your heart health, and ensures a vibrant, healthier future.

Central to the Cardiovascular Wellness Program:

In-Depth Lab Analysis

Dr. Panka’s in-depth lab analysis is designed to dive deeply into your distinct biochemical profile, pinpointing elements that represent underlying causes of your symptoms. Our in-depth lab analysis focuses on identifying various key indicators in your blood, falling into several broad categories.

In-depth lab analysis includes the following:

  • Characteristics of Blood Cells

  • Metabolic Health Status

  • Functionality of Organs

  • Fatty Acid Transport and Composition

  • Molecular Signs of Heart Disease Risk

  • Levels of Inflammatory Proteins

  • Genetic Predispositions to Heart Conditions

Dr. Panka regularly monitors your lab results throughout the program to gauge your progress and optimize your treatment plan. The initial lab draw is the most comprehensive, setting the stage for any subsequent tests needed to monitor your health as you progress through the Cardiovascular Wellness Program. Our in-depth lab analysis creates a baseline at the onset of your care and is repeated at six and twelve months, depending on your specific results.


  • If you have a heart-related condition (or want to prevent one!) and want to use natural therapies to achieve your health goals, then this program is a good fit for you!

    This program is particularly beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, palpitations, heart dysrhythmias/arrhythmias, heart failure, or a family history of heart disease. The program may also be tailored to individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, or neurological disease.

  • That’s just fine! Dr. Panka is mindful of potential interactions and provides natural treatments that are safe and effective to use alongside pharmaceutical medications. It’s often a goal of our patients to lower their dependence on medication to manage their symptoms. Dr. Panka guides you on how to achieve your goals safely while maintaining care with your prescribing doctor.

  • Heart disease consistently ranks as the number one cause of death for men and women worldwide.

    A significant number of heart disease risk factors are within our control and can be modified through lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

    The state of your heart health profoundly affects your quality of life. Cardiovascular issues can lead to severe consequences such as heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and limited mobility, all of which profoundly impact daily life and personal wellbeing.

    Maintaining heart health is crucial not only for immediate benefits but also for ensuring a better quality of life in the future. A healthy heart decreases the risk of disabilities and chronic health issues, allowing for a more active and fulfilling life.

    1. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of a seasoned healthcare professional who enhances your journey alongside primary care and cardiology. Dr. Jacob Panka meets you at your point of need, providing step-by-step guidance toward a healthier heart.

    2. Personalized Health Plan: We understand that each person is unique. That's why we create individualized plans with evidence-informed treatments guided by in-depth lab analysis to address your specific health goals.

    3. Holistic Approach with Natural Strategies: We focus on addressing the root causes of heart disease through a comprehensive patient-centered approach. Based on your individual presentation, we identify the best naturopathic treatments for you.

    4. Ongoing Support: We provide continued support with direct messaging, check-in phone calls, resources, and in-person or virtual follow-up sessions to ensure progress and lasting benefit.

    5. Education and Empowerment: We answer your questions, teach you about the mechanisms of heart disease reversal, and deliver the knowledge and tools necessary for you to take control of your health.

  • Estimated cost for a year-long commitment to the Cardiovascular Wellness Program: $3,300

    You receive a full year of dedicated cardiovascular care from Dr. Jacob Panka, including an initial evaluation, three courses of in-depth lab analysis, three hour-long follow-up appointments, four check-in calls, and direct messaging access.

    Depending on the findings from your initial lab work, further testing and additional follow-up appointments may be recommended.

    Established patients enjoy a $150 discount on the program.

  • Please see a list of more frequently asked questions about our services here.

Let’s work together

Embark on a life-changing journey with Dr. Jacob Panka to naturally reverse heart disease. Take control of your heart health and rediscover a life of energy and vitality. Reserve your spot in the Cardiovascular Wellness Program and begin your journey to a healthier heart now.

Your heart deserves the best care. Together, let's make it happen!

Schedule a free 10-minute introductory phone call with Dr. Jacob Panka to learn more about the Cardiovascular Wellness Program.